We offer a practical framework to factor natural assets properly into economic decision making, rooted in the findings of the landmark Dasgupta Review.
Waste isn’t just what’s thrown in the bin, it’s hidden everywhere in the economy. Our webpage and briefing show the opportunities to get rid of waste and support a more circular economy.
In this research, we question why electrification is not receiving much more attention and support as a way to cut UK industry’s climate impact and improve industrial competitiveness.
In this blog, Caroline Lucas, former leader of The Green Party, responds to government leaks alleging that the prime minister may approve the Rosebank oilfield.
Corplex joined Green Alliance’s Circular Economy Task Force in 2021 because it is giving voice to the most effective ways to make the circular economy a reality, through its research, membership and connection to policy makers.
Lucas van der Schalk, CEO, Corplex
Green Alliance has deservedly become a powerful voice in debates about sustainability.
Lord Giddens, emeritus professor, London School of Economics
Working at Green Alliance has given me the chance to pursue a career in environmental policy and advocacy. It’s been a great opportunity to influence dialogue, facilitate collaboration between parliamentarians and key stakeholders, and to experience a supportive and inclusive organisational culture.
Aradhna Tandon, policy assistant on Green Alliance’s graduate scheme 2020-21
Green Alliance’s ability to bring together powerful coalitions and deliver greater political influence has been crucial in getting more action on nature, emphasising its role in economic recovery and securing stronger protections in law.