Neither sermons nor silence – the case for national communications on energy use
The government has invested time and money in developing schemes such as the Green Deal and the smart meter roll-out. But success will depend on public engagement. Neither sermons nor silence: the case for national communications on energy use shows why the government’s current plan to rely on multiple, dispersed communications for energy schemes are unlikely to secure the take up and interest needed, putting the policies at risk of failure.
The report looks at lessons from other high profile campaigns like the recent digital switchover and Change4Life. They clearly show the importance of a government-backed, national level brand and communications strategy to support policy delivery. Public take up of government energy schemes has been relatively low up until now, even when measures are heavily subsidised or even free. Overcoming this requires communications to build a strong brand which will enable trusted messengers to communicate and have the power to change social norms. As we head into the roll-out of a number of new schemes, we set out a clear case for getting the communications right if they are to be a success.
Rebekah Phillips
Faye Scott