Profit without loss: how conserving resources benefits the economy, businesses and consumers
All economic activity relies on natural resources, but the world’s demand for them is outpacing supply. The only environmentally sustainable route to growth in the long term is to grow an economy using fewer natural resources, designed around reducing, reusing, repairing and recycling.
In this report, we set out to assess the evidence, good or bad, around what it would mean for the UK economy to become more circular from three perspectives: national, business and consumers.
Our findings indicate that the circular economy offers benefits on all fronts, but more government action is needed to realise them. The UK needs to match its intentions on resource efficiency with concrete policy commitments. We outline seven priority actions that would accelerate a circular economy transition for the UK.
Heather Plumpton, Jasmine Dhaliwal, Arpana Giritharan and Libby Peake