
Securing our future: a programme for government



23 September, 2023


The government elected in 2024 will oversee the second half of a decade in which global leaders will determine whether there is a liveable planet for future generations. Whoever forms the next government, climate and nature are likely to be high on their agenda, put there by economic necessity, public pressure and international imperatives.

The UK has made significant progress in cutting carbon emissions and, until recently, it could rightly champion that progress on the global stage. Disappointingly, the Westminster government has begun to waver on action.

Significantly, over half of voters in the 2023 local elections thought the government should be doing more to tackle climate change.

Here, we set out a practical, ambitious policy programme on climate and nature for the next government. Each recommendation is the result of research and analysis by Green Alliance, in partnership with other experts. It draws on Green Alliance’s Net zero policy tracker, which has been monitoring the delivery of climate policies since 2020.

This is a positive agenda for change which goes beyond addressing the climate and nature crises. It will have significant and broad benefits for the country. Wholeheartedly pursuing this programme will be the best investment the government could make, for people, businesses and society.

What is good for climate and nature is good for the UK.


Stuart Dossett
Libby Peake
Steve Coulter



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