Inside Track 35: The Great Acceleration – what should the UK do to protect natural systems?
In this edition of Inside Track we look at the phenomenon known as the Great Acceleration, which describes the massive increase in human impacts on the planet since the 1950s. We explore what it means for the UK and what the political, public and business responses should be.
- Professor Will Steffen of the Stockholm Resilience Centre describes the Great Acceleration and the results of his research charting the impacts.
- Martin Nesbit of IEEP and a former CAP negotiator for the UK government tells us why it is so hard for government to act on the big issues and where success might lie.
- Dame Helen Ghosh of the National Trust writes about connecting people better with nature.
- Professor Dieter Helm outlines why natural capital needs to be at the heart of the economy for sustainable growth.
- Dame Fiona Kendrick, CEO and chairman of Nestlé UK and Ireland, describes how her company is developing partnerships and policies to protect natural capital.
- Sue Armstrong Brown, Green Alliance’s director of policy sets out the immediate plans for our new Natural Environment theme.