Chris is political strategist and campaigns specialist responsible for Green Alliance’s political impact. His expertise is in building political coalitions, inside and outside of Westminster, to deliver ambitious policy change. At Green Alliance, Chris shapes Green Alliance’s political strategy and direction, he holds relationships at the highest level across Parliament, government, industry and civil society, and provides strategic direction to our team and network on major dynamics in UK and global politics.
Chris also leads a team who run projects and networks aimed at strengthening political leadership in the UK on the climate and nature agenda. These include: Warm This Winter, a coalition of fuel poverty and climate groups, focused on ensuring a fair transition on the energy agenda for people and industry; the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Environment, a cross-party caucus of MPs focussed on the environment; and Project Boost, a development programme for policy and public affairs professionals seeking to bring about a step-change in ambition on environmental policy in the UK.
Before joining Green Alliance, Chris worked in parliament as a policy adviser to Caroline Lucas MP on the environmental agenda, and held various roles in civil society organisations, including working as a human rights observer in the South West Asia region. He has sat on advisory groups and provided strategic guidance to organisation such as IPPR, The Climate Coalition and the CAST centre.
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