The North Sea’s super polluters: no excuse to delay action on flaring and venting
20 November, 2023
Why the UK should do more to cut methane emissions
20 November, 2023
Big car, little car: the sustainability implications of growing vehicle sizes
8 November, 2023
Beyond licensing: North sea policy for a managed transition
7 November, 2023
Why we need to talk about health and climate: an essay collection
31 October, 2023
Will COP28 lead to action on North Sea methane emissions?
21 November, 2023
How can the UK become a player in the battery space?
21 September, 2023
Why now is not the time for locational marginal pricing of electricity
27 September, 2023
Powering up the UK battery industry
21 September, 2023
The steel market of the future: what’s the UK’s role?
30 August, 2023
Can renewable power help to tackle the UK’s inflation problem?
3 August, 2023
Can renewable power help tackle the UK’s inflation problem?
3 August, 2023
Taxing private jets: raising revenue from highly polluting, luxury private aviation
17 July, 2023
The London-wide expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone
26 June, 2023
How can the government build confidence in GGRs for net zero?
22 June, 2023
Reforming transport taxes: a fair share package
6 June, 2023
What is the best use of hydrogen in the UK?
22 May, 2023
Clearing the air: green strategy for a healthier city, with London’s Deputy Mayor Shirley Rodrigues
4 May, 2023
How can the UK secure an electric vehicle supply chain?
20 April, 2023
Moving on: greener travel for the UK
20 April, 2023