Smarter flood risk management in England: investing in resilient catchments
28 November, 2016

Future low carbon investment in the UK: priorities for the government’s climate strategy
16 November, 2016

Better products by design: ensuring high standards for UK consumers
9 November, 2016

100% clean energy is possible: here’s how
10 October, 2016

Smart investment: valuing flexibility in the UK electricity market
5 October, 2016

New markets for land and nature: how Natural Infrastructure Schemes could pay for a better environment
28 September, 2016

Will the UK economy succeed in a low carbon world?
9 June, 2016

The end of the upgrade? How O2 is adapting to a more circular mobile market
31 May, 2016

Inside Track 36: The environmental case for staying in the EU
12 April, 2016

Greening devolution: how the devolution of power to local areas can enable low carbon and environmental progress
10 April, 2016

Beyond subsidy: how the next levy control framework can cut carbon at least cost
14 March, 2016

Renewables investment: building on the UK strengths at the 2016 Budget
10 March, 2016

Greener London: what the next mayor can do to improve our capital
29 February, 2016

Natural partners: Why nature conservation and natural capital approaches should work together
25 January, 2016

Unemployment and the circular economy in Europe: a study of opportunities in Italy, Poland and Germany
1 December, 2015

Achieving large volume, least cost, low carbon electricity in the 2020s
18 November, 2015

Growing the UK’s coastal economy: learning from the success of offshore wind in Grimsby
17 November, 2015

Annual report 2014-15
2 November, 2015

Getting more from less: realising the potential of negawatts in the UK electricity market
20 October, 2015

The case for low carbon infrastructure in Scotland
24 August, 2015

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