Annual debate 2019: Can satellite earth observation help to save the planet?
31 January, 2019
One year on from China waste ban
24 January, 2019
Onshore wind: licence to operate?
22 January, 2019
How should we share the benefits of the energy transition?
6 December, 2018
What do people really think about the circular economy?
5 November, 2018
UK’s energy and climate diplomacy after Brexit: learning from Norway and Switzerland
22 October, 2018
Green and global: how will UK trade policy affect our environment?
18 October, 2018
Tech Task Force launch
12 September, 2018
Horizon Debates: How will UK farming have to change in a net zero emissions economy?
9 July, 2018
She is Sustainable: Energy Pioneers
25 June, 2018
Horizon Debates: What should be the priorities for UK food production post-Brexit?
11 June, 2018
Annual debate 2018: how will climate ambition define Britain’s role as a global player in the 2020s?
29 May, 2018
Horizon Debates: Is technology a force for good in environmentally sustainable food production?
25 April, 2018
UK100: reaching 100
27 February, 2018
Paying the price for food production: the dilemma of Britain’s declining farmland
7 December, 2017
Trade in a decarbonising world: where the UK can lead
29 November, 2017
Brexit and energy: what to expect from the negotiations
17 November, 2017
Summer reception 2017
13 July, 2017
Greener UK Hustings
30 May, 2017
Are we ready to let consumer choice drive the energy system?
20 April, 2017